Meet Your Community Ministry

Walnut Street Baptist Church has long been recognized as a mission church. As early as the mid-1900’s, a staff member, Mary Miller, recognized the need of people in the neighborhood and answered that need by distributing clothing. As needs in the Old Louisville area increased, in 1965 the church established the Christian Social Ministry (now the Community Ministry) to provide clothing and food. The distribution of food was enhanced when the Community Ministry partnered with the Dare to Care Organization. Throughout the ensuing years, each director has led volunteers to answer the call of service by providing food, clothing, personal hygiene items and household needs to clients.

Under the leadership of former Mission Minister, Brad Willis, the ministry continued to expand, reaching neighbors in the Old Louisville area as well as those on the University of Louisville campus, established refugee communities, and newly displaced refugees. In 2019, WSBC renovated the community ministry area, doubling the space and providing a welcoming atmosphere for clients. Due to the design and technology of the renovation, the ministry was open throughout the coronavirus pandemic serving clients in a contact-free method.

The CMWSBC food bank is one of the largest in the state of Kentucky. It serves approximately 550 people with food and fresh produce each month. Dare to Care and USDA Commodities are supplemented by donations from supportive church members. The Community Ministry provides Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners for approximately 200 households annually through the generosity of church members.

The Infant Resource Ministry was adopted in cooperation with the Long Run Baptist Association. It is located within the renovated community ministries space and serves to assist mothers and fathers with child care essentials from birth to size 5T. Mrs. Barbara Smallwood coordinates The Infant Resource Ministry.

Janet Pearson, Director, currently leads a team of 44 CMWSBC volunteers, continuing to answer Christ’s call to be a service to all neighbors, near and far.